Haters of Herbert Marcuse (the "personification of 'True Evil', selected from various sources for
chance selection, arranged chronologically begun July 30, 2003, last updated August 31, 2018 (the photo at left is from the film Herbert's Hippopotamus, 0:36) |
Found in books, articles, the web, and this site's guestbook. Arranged (roughly) in reverse chronological order (oldest at bottom). July 2013: I will be presenting a paper on the Breivik connection at the Int'l HM Society Conference in November 2013. |
Added August 2018: An excellent article examining the lineage of various haters--
Alex Kurtagic, "Forgetting Herbert Marcuse (19 July 1898 - 29 July 1979)" (29 July 2014 [35th anniversary of Herbert's death]), in: wermodandwermod.com/newsitems/ (web archive version, in 2018 the article is available on the red ice.tv site) |
American Renaissance blog, May 17, 2014: search results on "Marcuse"
Salvo magazine, Spring 2012: "The Illusionist: How Herbert Marcuse Convinced a Generation that Censorship Is Tolerance & Other Politically Correct Tricks," by Robin Phillips, at http://www.salvomag.com/new/articles/salvo20/herbert-marcuse-censorship-is-tolerance.php
American Catholic, Feb. 19, 2012 A.D. [sic]: "In the Birth Control Controversy, the Mocking of Conservative Religious Women by Militant Secularists Will Soon Backfire" by Dave Hartline. |
On July 22, 2011, Anders Behring Breivik killed 76 people in a bombing and a shooting spree in Norway. Hours beforehand, he released a 1500 page manifesto, outlining his thoughts and actions for the world to see. Herbert figures prominently in several places in that manuscript, available as a website ebook (since 2012 on the internet archive), and a 1518-page-pdf (easily searchable). Some excerpts:
Andrew Breitbart, Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World (Grand Central Publishing, 2011): use search in google books, which shows no page numbers, but from a search on amazon.com, the relevant pages are 114, 119-128, 135. Page with screen shots of pp. 119-122, 126. Here a long excerpt:
Daniel Henninger, "Hillary Talks About 'It': Would she defend Rush Limbaugh's speech rights against the left?" The Wall Street Journal, editorial, Oct. 11, 2007 (full editorial) Who threw the first stone in these media-driven bloodlettings? Good question. But to my knowledge the right has no equivalent to "repressive tolerance," the aggressive theory of scorched-earth political argument laid out in the hothouse years of the 1960s by the late left-wing political philosopher Herbert Marcuse. Just last November, in an admiring essay for the Chronicle of Higher Education, the left polemicist Stanley Fish aptly summed up Marcuse's assertion that "liberal" notions of tolerance for political speech should be overturned. [copy of Fish's Dec. 8, 2006 Chronicle essay; book he discusses] This is good evidence of the continuing relevance of Herbert's notion of repressive tolerance. |
David Horowitz, The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America (Washington, DC: Regnery, 2006), xxxvii f:
Ike Morgan, "Western civilization comes under attack,"
Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 12:44 PM +0100 I will not waste your time with a protracted dissertation on why it is my belief that your father, the above named was the personification of "True Evil". I wish not to cause offence, or hurt you in any way, and I respect your right to love and honour your Father, although, I´m not sure that his philosophy in regard to Fatherhood would allow for such feelings. Nonetheless, his warped ideas on Western Civilisation, along with those of his accomplices (Adorno, Fromm, Reich et al) have done so much damage and injury to so many good people´s lives, including my own, that I believe that one day, when western man is no more, and our world is contested by the followers of Islam and the peoples of China and the Third World, somebody, once the devastation has subsided, will accredit it all, the whole mess, to, and it pains me to say this to you, your Father and the Frankfurt School, whose evil, lies and perverse teachings are diabolical in all their forms, and whose cancerous preachings have made pawns and playthings for their own wicked pleasures out of ordinary honest people. Philip Jones From: Harold Marcuse <[email protected]> To: "P. Jones" <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Herbert Marcuse/want to discuss? Date-Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 10:57 AM -0800 I presume you wrote to me because you would like a response or to engage in dialog about this. I am in fact curious about how people come to hold ideas such as the ones you express. I seriously doubt that Herbert and the Frankfurt School could have had or will ever have such influence as to bring down Western Civilization As We Know It. Especially when most people have neither read nor heard of what they wrote, and even many of those few who have read their works don't embrace their arguments. With that said, however, I must say that I would be thrilled if masses of people did indeed read, understand and embrace their analyses. So there is no need for you to feel any pity for me. Nor am I offended that Herbert represents 'True Evil' for you. As far as his ideas about fatherhood (in my case grandfatherhood, actually) go, I have no regrets in that regard. Your use of words like "Fatherhood," "warped" and "perversion" make me think you see sexual liberation as the main cause of the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and political liberation movements in Asia and third world countries. Is that indeed the case? I would be interested to hear your views at greater length. sincerely, |
James Pinkerton, "Saving Marcia Angell From Herself," Sept.
15, 2004, on the site:
interviewed by Chris Banescu on the site: http://frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=15282. [found Oct. 4, 2004 on google news, dated Oct. 6, 2004]. Banescu is an attorney, university professor, and public speaker who manages the conservative site www.OrthodoxNet.com.
Flynn's book was also reviewed by Timothy P. Carney on Sept. 28, 2004,
on the site:
James Atticus Bowden, September 8, 2004: "Why
They Hated the RNC Convention," at:
2004: James Atticus Bowden, "Ann Coulter and I were Censored," MassNews.com http://www.massnews.com/2004_editions/sound_off/073004_ann_coulter_censored.htm.
March 23, 2002 [guestbook entry on this site: marcuse.org]:
Was Herbert a capitalist Reagan Republican?
Bill Lind, "The
Origins of Political Correctness: An Accuracy in Academia Address."
Kors, Alan Charles and Silverglate, Harvey A., The Shadow University: The Betrayal of Liberty on America's Campuses (New York: The Free Press, 1998), 415 pages. [source is again the 'more free speech for white males on campus' site, www.namebase.org]
1968: Commonweal vol. 89, p. 532 , "Herbert Marcuse: Prophet of Violence,"
1968: .
1968: .