March 30, 1986 letter from Erica Sherover to Harold Marcuse

sent from Oakland, California, to Ann Arbor, Michigan



Dear Harold,
    It was lovely to get your letter -- it made my day! Thanks also for the article it is indeed as you say  -- " in my line of work."

I'm sorry to hear that graduate school is really not giving you what you want -- time for thinking and discussion.
I'm sure it has to do with the general miseducation that happens in this country. Fortunately somehow my graduate experience was somewhat different -- at UCSD in the late 60's + early 70's  --  many late night discussions + even some good ones in class! You know Herbie had the notion that if one read 150 pages of Hegel or Kant in a whole year in a 2 semester graduate course + understood it, then one could read anything else in the texts at

Ricky's March 1986 letter to Harold, side 1

one's leisure. He often told the story of Heidegger spending a whole year on the pre-Socratic Fragments, (I think the extant texts are less than 50 pages) The same for the Einleitung to Phänomenologie des Geistes.

My book will be published in the U.K. in June -- + in the USA in Sept. lohnt sich nicht to release it in July or August.
Chemotherapy is a long struggle. I've finished 2 rounds + have 4 to go cycles of 2 weeks on the drugs 2 weeks off). Surgery is scheduled for mid May - at this point.

When are you going to Germany? I'd love to see you somehow before you go is that totally impossible?
I'm glad for your relationship w Anette + am looking forward to getting to know her.             Much love to you

Ricky's March 1986 letter to Harold, side 2

letter scanned and transcribed by H. Marcuse, Dec. 18, 2002

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