Sophie Marcuse

Sophie Wertheim

page created by Harold Marcuse
Oct. 12, 2002, last updated July 10, 2005

for the Official Herbert Marcuse website

Sophie and Herbert in their New York apartmentSophie Wertheim, born in 1901, later became a mathematician. She studied at the University of Freiburg in the early 1920s, including lectures by Heidegger. She and Herbert Marcuse married in 1924 in Berlin, where their son Peter was born in 1928. They lived in Freiburg, Berlin, Geneva, and Paris before they emigrated to New York in 1934.

Neumanns, Lowenthals, MarcusesThe pictures show Herbert and Sophie in their New York apartment, and the Neumanns, Loewenthals and Marcuses, probably in Santa Monica.

In the 1930s and 1940s they lived in Los Angeles/Santa Monica, and Washington, D.C. In the early 1940s Sophie worked as a statistician for the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics, and perhaps also for U.S. Naval Intelligence. Sophie died of cancer in 1951.

Here are some records I found about Sophie's professional life and her publications:

  • 1943 listing in: Directory of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 14:4(Dec. 1943), p. 457: "M.A. (Columbia), Asst. Home Economist, [Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics], Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., 6600 Luzon Ave NW"1943 listing of Sophie Marcuse
  • Presentation Sophie's 1945 publication"An Application of the Control Chart Method to the Testing and Marketing of Foods," listed in: Proceedings: 104th Annual Meeting, at The George Washington University and Willare Hotel Washington, D.C., in: Journal of the American Statistical Association 40:229 (March 1945), pp. 102-122; published in: Journal of the American Statistical Association 40:230(June 1945), 214-222 (208k pdf)
  • In 1943 (see above), 1944, 1945 and 1946 Sophie attended the Washington, Princeton, New York, New Haven etc. meetings of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. See: The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 14:3(Sept. 1943), pp. 302-303, etc. 1948,
  • In February 1945 Announcement of Sophie's 1945 presentationSophie presented a paper on "Quality Control as Applied to the Testing and Marketing of Foods," at a Biometrics conference: Biometrics Bulletin 1:1(Feb. 1945), p. 9
  • In 1948 Sophie attended a mathematics conference in New York. See: S. B. Littauer, "Report on the New York Meeting of the Institute," in: The Annals of Mathematical Statistics vol. 19:2 (Jun. 1948), 290-291.
  • "Optimum Allocation and Variance Components in Nested Sampling with an Application to Chemical Analysis,"  in: Biometrics 5:3(Sept. 1949), pp. 189-206 (360k pdf)description of Sophie's 1949 article Citation of Sophie's 1949 article
    • cited in: Palmer O. Johnson; William J. Moonan, "Recent Developments in Statistical Theory," in: Review of Educational Research 21:5, Methods of Research and Appraisal in Education (Dec. 1951), pp. 389-414 (cited on 403, 410 [the images above are cropped from these pages]).

Dedication page of Eros and Civilization

Herbert dedicated his 1955 book Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud, to Sophie's memory.

content created by Harold Marcuse, Oct. 12, 2002; last updated: see header
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