portrait of bot 1717 in starting position

2006 FIRST Robotics Competition:
S. California Regional, March 24-25

Photos of Various Robots in LA

page created by H. Marcuse, March 26, 2006;
last updated 3/28/06

Construction, competition rules,
and Phoenix photos
Photos of Penguinbot in
Los Angeles
Photos of other robots in LA

"Portraits" of various robots in the pit at LA, taken walking around on Friday afternoon.
Stills taken with a video camera without a flash--sorry for low quality.

Great Western Forum

1717 pit area

This one has a wooden launching wheel.

"Devil Duckies" pit with many spirit awards.
Their shooting mechanism operates like the chambers of a revolver, rotating to fire a shot.
"Devil Duckies" with many  spirit awards
A well-machined robot, not unlike DP's.

1070 is an all-girls team whose bot specialized in collecting lots of balls and dumping them in the corner bin.

Bot 4: the low number means this team his been with FIRST from the beginning of (west coast?) competition.
Along with leader #968, this one was in the winning alliance in LA. Why? It can't even store balls.

This one is designed to have balls refilled into the top by humans (as was 968, the leading scorer in LA).

1197 in the testing area under the stands.

1717's pit-neighbor, in the testing area.

page created by H. Marcuse on March 26, 2006; last updated: see header
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