Visitor Statistics for the Herbert Marcuse Homepage

I installed a counter (from Sparklit) on March 27, 2001.
Every now and then, when I updated the page, I noted the number of hits it had registered. Less frequently I also checked the information Sparklit collected about how many of those hits were unique. I added the data at the bottom of the page, but gradually it got to be a little much. So now I'm only keeping the annual averages, with breakdowns for shorter periods during the current year.

counter started on March 27, 2001
6 per day in first 5 months

(1000 on Sept. 5, 2001)
17/day next 2 mos. (Sept-Oct 2001)
(2000 on Oct. 31, 2001)
31/day next 3 mos. (Nov-Jan. 02)
5000 on Feb. 2, 2002
7000 on Mar. 16
7700 on Mar. 27, 2002 (first year)
21 hits/day first annual average
10,000 on May 3, 2002
(6387=64% were unique visitors)
53/day next 5 months (Feb.-June 02)
13000 on July 5, 2002
14000 on Aug. 2 (36/day in July;
50/day Mar-Aug)

17,000 on Oct. 9, 2002
18,000 on Oct. 24
45/day next 4 months (July-Oct. 2002)
59/day next 4 months (Nov-2002-Feb. 2003)
21315 on 12/18/02, 11pm (59%=12,600 were unique)
22120 on Jan. 6, 2003, 2pm=42.4/day over Xmas

24632 on Feb. 17, 11pm
25845 on Mar. 8, midnight
27,022 on Mar. 27, 2003, 9pm
53 hits/day 2nd annual average
27722 on Apr. 7, 11am
29126 on Apr. 26, 10pm.

page created 4/27/03 by H. Marcuse. Last updated:
back to Herbert Marcuse homepage at