Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Newsevents » 2019

2019 IHMS Conference “Critical Theory in Dark Times”

The 8th biennial conference of the International Herbert Marcuse Society was held at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Oct. 10-13 2019.

Conference Program (PDF)

Conference abstracts and recordings:

UCSB Conference website

Liberation over Lunch (PDF)

Call for Papers (PDF)

Previous IHMS conferences:

  • 2005: St. Joseph's University, Philadelphia: "Reading Herbert Marcuse's Eros and Civilization After 50 Years"
  • 2007: St. Joseph's University, Philadelphia: "Critique and Liberation in the Work of Herbert Marcuse"
  • 2009: York University, Toronto: "Marcuse and the Frankfurt School for a New Generation"
  • 2011: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia: "Critical Refusals"
  • 2013: University of Kentucky, Lexington: "Emancipation, New Sensibility, and the Challenge of a New Era: Theory, Practice, and Pedagogy"
    2014: Brandeis University, Boston: "One-Dimensional Man After 50 Years"
  • 2015: Salisbury University, Maryland: "Praxis and Critique: Liberation, Pedagogy, and the University"
  • 2017: York University, Toronto: "The Dialectics of Liberation in the Era of Neoliberalism"
  • 2019: University of California, Santa Barbara: "Critical Theory in Dark Times: The Prospects for Liberation in the Shadow of the Radical Right"
Index entries: IHMS Conference
Updated: 2019-10-26