Angela Y. Davis

Books by and about Angela Y. Davis

Davis, Angela Yvonne: Angela Davis - An Autobiography. New York, Random House, 1974.

Davis, Angela Yvonne: If They Come in the Morning: Voices of Resistance. New York, Third Press, 1971.

Davis, Angela Yvonne: Women, Race and Class. New York, Random House, 1981.

Ashman, Charles R.: The People vs. Angela Davis. New York, Pinnacle Books, 1972.

Aptheker, Bettina: The Morning Breaks: The Trial of Angela Davis. New York, International Publishers, 1975.

Major, Reginald: Justice in the Round: The Trial of Angela Davis. New York Third Press, 1973.

Nadelson, Regina: Who is Angela Davis? The Biography of a Revolutionary. New York, P.H. Wyden, 1972.

New York Committee to Free Angela Davis. A Political Biography of Angela Davis. 1971.

Parker, J.: Angela Davis: The Making of a Revolutionary, Arlington House, 1973.

Timothy, Mary: Jury Woman: The Story of the Trial of Angela Y. Davis. Written by a member of the jury. San Francisco, Glide Publications, 1975.

prepared for the web by Harold Marcuse, Dec. 21, 2002
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