Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Publications » 1940s

Reason and Revolution

Thumbnail for Reason and Revolution

Reason and Revolution: An Introduction to the Dialectical Thinking of Hegel and Marx first major work in English, focus on critical reason and dialectical thinking


Pt. I. The Foundations of Hegel's Philosophy.

  • I. Hegel's Early Theological Writings
  • II. Towards the System of Philosophy
  • III. Hegel's First System
  • IV. The Phenomenology of Mind
  • V. The Science of Logic
  • VI. The Political Philosophy
  • VII. The Philosophy of History

Pt. II. The Rise of Social Theory

  • Introduction: From Philosophy to Social Theory
  • I. The Foundations of the Dialectical Theory of Society
  • II. The Foundations of Positivism and the Rise of Sociology
  • Conclusion: The End of Hegelianism

Other Editions

  • Oxford University Press, 1941
  • New York, Humanities Press, 1954 [i.e. 1955],
    new subtitle: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory
  • (Boston: Beacon Press, 1960), with a new preface by the author and "A Note on Dialectic."
  • France 1960, 1968
  • Germany 1962, 1972
  • New York: Humanities Press 1963, c1954
  • Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1989
  • Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books, 1999

Full text (marxists.org)

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Index entries: Reason and Revolution Major works