"Lyric Poetry after Auschwitz" (unfinished ms., published posthumously)
Found in the Marcuse archive. It consists of four pages in English, followed by eleven pages in
German, some fragmentary, and two rather fragmentary pages in English. It is not clear what the origins
of this article are, what Marcuse intended it for, and why he wrote first in English, then in German,
reverting in the final pages to English. It is found in the Herbert Marcuse archive under the number
560.00 with the description “Entwurf La Jolla, 1978.”
A German version of the text with the title “Lyrik
nach Auschwitz” was published in Peter-Erwin Jansen’s edited edition Kunst und Befreiung (Lüneburg: zu
Klampen, 2000), pp. 157-66. Published in Douglas Kellner (ed.), Art and Liberation (2007)