The Dunayevskaya-Marcuse-Fromm Correspondence
The Dunayevskaya-Marcuse-Fromm Correspondence, 1954-1978: Dialogues on Hegel, Marx, and Critical Theory,
edited by Kevin B. Anderson, Russell Rockwell (Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, 2012), lix, 269
pages, includes bibliographical references and index. UCSD: JC233.M299 D86 2012
- Part one. The
Dunayevskaya-Marcuse correspondence, 1954-78: the early letters: debating Marxist dialectics and Hegel's
absolute idea; Dunayevskaya's Marxism and freedom and beyond; on technology and work on the eve of Marcuse'
s One-dimensional man; the later correspondence: winding down during the period of the New Left
Part two. The Dunayevskaya-Fromm correspondence, 1959-78: the early letters: on Fromm's
Marx's concept of man and his socialist humanism symposium; dialogue on Marcuse, on existentialism,
and on socialist humanism in Eastern Europe; on Hegel, Marxism, and the Frankfurt School in the period
of Dunayevskaya's philosophy and revolution; the final letters: on critical theory and on Rosa Luxemburg,
gender, and revolution