Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Scholars and activists

Bill Moyers Bio

Moyers, Bill. (1934-)Bill Moyers, television journalist (retired 2004), practitioner of "deep-think" journalism.

  • print journalist, ordained Baptist minister, press secretary to President Lyndon Johnson, and newspaper publisher before coming to television in 1970. See museum.tv biography.
  • In a 1987 essay in New Perspectives Quarterly, "Second Thoughts: Reflections on the Great Society," Moyers wrote:
    ' Compromise with the Powers That Be
    In 1965, I sent to the President an essay by Herbert Marcuse, the leftist philosopher so admired by the student movement, in which Marcuse applauded LBJ's objectives, but doubted the government's ability to stay the course. "Rebuilding the cities, restoring the countryside, redeeming the poor and reforming education," said Marcuse, "could produce nondestructive full employment. This requires," he said, ''nothing more, nothing less than the actual reconstruction outlined in the President's program. But the very program," he said, "requires the transformation of power structures standing in the way of its fulfillment."
Index entries: Moyers, Bill
Updated: 2005