Debora Neri Bio
Neri, Debora (b. 1982)
, Italian scholar studying Herbert's early works, in 2011 waiting to be admitted to a doctoral program.
- In 2008 Debora received a Master's degree in History of Contemporary Philosophy with the Thesis La società unidimensionale e il suo superamento. Un confronto tra la posizione di Herbert Marcuse e quella di Jack Kerouac at Gabriele D’Annunzio University in Chieti.
(see entry on the Unpublished papers page, with an English abstract; also 72 page pdf). In 2011 she worked on Marcuse’s interpretation of Hegel, through the analysis of Marcuse’s works of the thirties.
- 2013: Debora's revised thesis has been published as a book, Torno così ai Beatniks: Immaginazione critica e rivolta nell'estetica dell'esistenza da Marcuse alla Beat Generation ['Thus I Return to the Beatniks: Critical Imagination and Revolt in the Aesthetics of Being from Marcuse to the Beat Generation'](Edizioni Tracce, 2013), 224 pages (Tracce book page).
- According to the translated blurb, the book is 'an extension and integration of her 2008 thesis. It combines the work of philosophical-historical research, which specifically engages the author (the thought of Herbert Marcuse), with a passion for the literature of American beat.'
- 'Neri is currently working on analyzing the philosophical speculation of the young Marcuse and, specifically, his humanistic Marxism, through a critical examination of his texts from 1928 to 1941 in comparison with the works of thinkers who had the greatest impact on their formation, i.e. Marx, Hegel, Heidegger, Dilthey, Lukács and Korsch.'
- You can contact her at [email protected] (9/2013)