Federico Sollazzo Bio
Sollazzo, Federico
(b. 1978)
, Researcher and Lecturer in Moral Philosophy and Political Philosophy at the University of Sezeged, Hungary.
Marcuse-related publications:
- Bachelor of Philosophy degree from the Department of Philosophy, University Rome Tre, summa cum laude, mentor, L. Casini, thesis title: "La concezione marxiana del lavoro alienato e il libero gioco delle facoltà umane in Marcuse" ['The Marxian Conception of Alienated Labor and the Free Play of the Humanistic Faculties in Marcuse'], 2003.
- "Per una (ri)scoperta di Herbert Marcuse," in «Prospettiva persona», n. 49/50, 2004, pp. 23-26. (4 page pdf)
- "La concezione del totalitarismo nella Arendt e in Marcuse," in «[email protected]», n. 5, 2004. (10 page pdf)
- "L’originalità del pensiero marcusiano," in «Prospettiva persona», n. 52, 2005, pp. 46-50. (5 page pdf)
- "Through Sartre and Marcuse: For a Realistic Utopia," in: Annals of Philosophy of the University of Craiova n. 31(2013), pp. 90-100. (cropped, archived pdf)
- "Marcuse lettore de L'être et le néant di Sartre," in: Annals of Philosophy of the University of Craiova, n. 32(2013), pp. 41-51. (cropped, archived pdf) [Marcuse reads Sartre's On Being and Nothingness'--1943 book, see Wikipedia Being & Nothingness page]
- "The Marcusean Inheritance as a Possibility Not Yet Realized: From a Pre- to a Post-Technological Culture and Society," in Polis, special issue: "The Contribution of Critical Theory in Understanding Society," F. Sollazzo ed. 4(2016), pp. 25-48.