Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Scholars and activists

Jeff Weinstein Bio

Weinstein, Jeff (b. ca. 1950), culture columnist and Fine Arts Editor for the Philadelphia Inquirer.

  • previously worked for 17 years as restaurant critic and an arts writer and senior editor at New York's Village Voice, and has written for Artforum magazine, the New Yorker, the Advocate and other publications.Was a graduate student at UCSD in the late 1960s. For his reminiscence of Herbert's influence on him at that time, see this 107th birthday entry on Doug Ireland's blog:
    "I was a graduate student at UCSD, usually called La Jolla, in the department of English and American literature from 1969 to 1973. For many reasons, I became active in campus and off-campus politics -- but I did not veer in the usual left direction. I was firmly against the war in Vietnam, and even more strenuously supported the unionizing of the United Farm Workers under the heroic Cesar Chavez. But my core belief, and in retrospect my only authentic political passion, was founded in my identity as a recently declared gay man. I was, for a while, the first and only out person on the campus. It was not a popular or attractive position to take ... "
    (for more, see the blog entry )On Marcuse & gays/glbtq issues, see this Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Culture's Marcuse entryPhilly Inquirer columnists page on Weinstein
  • May 1997 Philly citypaper.net article on Weinstein's move from NYC
Index entries: Weinstein, Jeff
Updated: 2005