Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Scholarship » 2010s

Terry Maley (ed.), One-Dimensional Man 50 Years On

Terry Maley (ed), One-Dimensional Man 50 Years On (Fernwood Publishing, 2017), 252p.

This collection, edited and introduced by York University Scholar Terry Maley, includes papers from a 2014 conference at Brandeis University. Contributors assess the key themes in Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man from a diverse range of critical perspectives, including feminist, ecological, Indigenous and anti-capitalist. In light of the current struggles for emancipation from neoliberalism in Canada and across the globe, this critical look at Marcuse's influential work illustrates its relevance today and introduces his work to a new generation.


Herbert Marcuse’s best-known book One-Dimensional Man (1964) has been called one of the most important books of the post-WWII era. This work was highly critical of modern industrial capitalism — its exploitation of people and nature, its commodified aesthetics and consumer culture, the military-industrial complex and new forms of social control at the height of the Keynesian era.

One-Dimensional Man 50 Years On contains a diverse collection of essays on the legacy of Herbert Marcuse and the relevance of his thought for the 21st century. The contributors to the volume — both established and upcoming academics and activists — critically explore the applicability, as well as the limitations, of Marcuse’s seminal work to the current political conjuncture. It should be of interest to both scholars of critical theory and Left activists of all types.
- Chris Holman, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Accessibly written to provide a clear and relevant introduction to Marcuse’s ideas, One-Dimensional Man 50 Years On powerfully shows how one of the most influential political theory texts of the past century remains potent in this one.
- Andrew Biro, Acadia University


  • Introduction - The Struggle for Human Emacipation (Terry Maley)
  • Marcuse’s Critique of Science (Thom Workman)
  • The Role of Dialectics in Marcuse (Asger Sorensen)
  • One-Dimensional Man and the Indigenous Struggles (Tom Cheney and David Bedford)
  • Refusing the Left and Palestine Solidarity in English-Speaking North America (Joel Harden)
  • The Radical Imagination Beyond Refusal (Alex Khasnabish)
  • Moving Through the Impasse (Richard Day)
  • Radical Opposition to Neoliberal Globalization (Francis Dupuis-Déri)
  • Québec Students Strike for Free Higher Education(Interview with Jérémie Bédard-Wien)
  • Rethinking Social Reproduction Through the Multi-Dimensional Woman (Meg Luxton)
  • The Potential for Transforming Gendered Consumption (Patricia McDermott)
  • Human Emancipation and the “Historical Fate of Bourgeois Democracy” (Terry Maley)

Publisher's Page

Index entries: One-Dimensional Man Maley, Terry
Updated: 2019-01-20