(back to top)
- 1960: "De l'ontologie à la technologie: les tendences
de la société industrielle," Arguments,
4, no. 18 (1960): 54-59.
- 1960: "A Note on Dialectic," part of the new preface to the 1960 edition of Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory, originally published in 1941. See also Andrew Feenberg and William Leiss, The Essential Marcuse: Selected Writings of Philosopher and Social Critic Herbert Marcuse (Boston: Beacon Press, 2007).
- 1961: "Language and Technological Society," Dissent,
8, no. 1 (Winter 1961): 66-74.
- 1962: "Idéologie et société industrielle
avancée," Mediations, 5 (Summer 1962): 57-71.
- 1962: "Emanzipation der Frau in der repressiven Gesellschaft:
Ein Gespräch mit Herbert Marcuse und Peter Furth," Das Argument,
23 (October-November 1962): 2-12.
- 1962-1965: "Streit über John F. Kennedy: Ein kurzer Briefwechsel zwischen Paul Tillich und Herbert Marcuse," hrsg. v. Alf Christophersen und Friedrich Wilhelm Graf. In: Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 14:2(Dec. 2007), 312-325. Published Online: 18/12/2007. (jpg of page 312; purchase $40 from deGruyter)
Abstract: This small edition of previously unpublished correspondence between Paul Tillich and Herbert Marcuse dates from late 1962 until Tillich's death in October 1965. It provides a glimpse into a relationship in which the two left-leaning German intellectual émigrés debate responsible American social policy in the atomic age. Their common bonds (Frankfurt School, proximity of Harvard to Brandeis University, and personal ties) only partly bridge their perceived differences, and those of their spouses, Hannah and Inge, in a situation in which Marcuse stands as the more outspoken critic of the United States.
- 1963 French: "Dynamismes de la société industrielle," in:
Annales: Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations, 18
(1963): 906-933. (pdf)
- 1963: "Zur Stellung des Denkens heute," in Zeugnisse:
Theodor W. Adorno zum sechzigsten Geburtstag, edited by Max Horkheimer
(Frankfurt am Main: Europäische Verlagsanstalt, 1963), pp. 45-49.
- 1964:
Dimensional Man (Boston: Beacon, 1964)
- several chapters online:
introduction plus chapter 1 and conclusion. (try marxists.org for the full text);
- Herbert's best-known work, with over 300,000 copies sold.
- Boston: Beacon 1964, 1968,
1991 with a new introduction by Douglas Kellner
- amazon
$12 new, $4 used and has 13
sample pages and a page
with 3 customer reviews.
- PDF of 43 selected pages for a 2003 Contemporary Sociological Theory course at Iowa State: pp. 1-18, 106-114, 226-236, 250-257.
- PDFs archived on the site of A Runciman at Evergreen Univ.: chap. 3, chap. 4. Text and raw html files of other chapters are there as well.
- response by some of Herbert's students to a conservative 1964 New York Review of Books review contains a short "4
point summary" of ODM's most important points
- German:
eindimensionale Mensch: Studie zur Ideologie der fortgeschrittenen
Industriegesellschaft, translated by Alfred Schmidt
- Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1st+2nd eds. 1967; 5+6th 1968; 60-64.000
1974; 9th 1977, 21st 1987; 24th 1990; 25th 1991 [281 pages]
- Zürich: Buchclub Ex Libris, 1969
- Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1989 (Schriften Bd. 7), reprinted zu
Klampen 2004.
- Munich: dtv 1994; 2nd ed. 1998, 3rd 2002, DM20/€7.80
from amazon.de;
4th ed. April 2004 [picture on right] €10/7.50
at amazon.de.
- French:
unidimensionnel: essai sur l'idéologie de la société
industrielle avancée; trad. de l'anglais par
Monique Wittig et l'auteur (Paris: Ed.de Minuit, 1968), 284 p. amazon
- Italian: L'uomo a una dimensione: l'ideologia
della societa` industriale avanzata; introduzione di Luciano
Gallino; traduzione di Luciano Gallino e Tilde Giani Gallino
(Torino: Piccola biblioteca Einaudi, 1967, 11th ed. 1971, 1999)
- Spanish: El Hombre Unidimensional (Barcelona: Editorial Seix Barral, 1972=IX edición)
- Turkish: full
translated text "Tek-Boyutlu Insan," translated by
Aziz Yardimli, 1986-97. at ideayayinevi.com
- Chinese: 1987 Taiwan Chinese translation ( pdf of the first couple of chapters in Chinese )
- Korean: Ilch?awo?njo?k in?gan : pujo?ng / Maru?k?uje
; Ch?a In-so?k yo?k. Publisher So?ul T?u?kpyo?lsi : Samso?ng Ch?ulp?ansa,
1982 (1987 printing), 406 p. Series Samso?ngp?an, segye sasang cho?njip
=Great books of the world ;29 [UCLA]
- An excerpt from Chapter 5. Negative
Thinking: The Defeated Logic of Protest, is available on bluereality.org's
(a social criticism website) Marcuse
page. (last found March 2004; links here to web archive copy; need to create an archive copy for this site)
- Reviews and
- The Books About Page on this site lists monographic
critiques by:
- review by Edgar Z. Friedenberg in: Commentary 37:4(April
1964), teaser
on-line; pdf
- review by Wagner, Helmut R., in: Social Research 32:1(Spring 1965), 116-122 (pdf)
- Herbert Marcuse, "Reply to M. Berman's review of One-Dimensional
Man," Partisan Review, 32 (Winter 1965): 159-160.
- chapter by chapter summary
by Jason McManus (2002) on essortment.com/ pagewise.com,
a platform that publishes articles.
- Michael
G. Horowitz gave a pithy summary of the book in the profile
he published in Playboy in 1970.
- Henk Tuten's website has a very
abbreviated, interpretative summary of One Dimensional Man
- Marianne Dekoven, "Psychoanalysis and Sixties Utopianism,"
Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society,
8(2003). (available from questia.com)
Subjects: Marcuse, Herbert--Criticism, interpretation,
etc., One-Dimensional Man (Essay)--Criticism, interpretation,
etc., Psychoanalysis--Analysis
- John Ruskin Clark, What's Wrong with Marcuse's One Dimensional Man
(San Diego, First Unitarian Church of San Diego, 1968). Transcript of a sermon delivered to the First Unitarian Church of San Diego on Oct. 13, 1968; seven pages.
- Goodreads.com has many member reviews
(2869 from Apr. 2007 to Dec. 2, 2012, quite a few in Arabic)
- Several recent college courses use selections from ODM: see the
Courses Page on this
- 1964 "Ethics and Revolution,"
lecture at the University of Kansas
- published in 1965 in Kultur und Gesellschaft 2 (Frankfurt,
1965), 130-146
- also in Schriften, Bd. 8, 100-114.
- 1964 "World Without Logos," Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists, 20 (January 1964): 25-26. (available on google books; archived pdf [use "fit to printable area" if printing])
- 1964 Spanish: "Un Mundo sin un Logos," translation of "World Without Logos," Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists, 20 (January 1964): 25-26. Translation by Juan David Palacios (2 page pdf). [translation available under this Creative Commons License]
- 1965
- full
English text of "Repressive Tolerance"
- full German
translation of "Repressive Toleranz"
- full Portugese translation of "Repressive Toleranz" in the Brazilian Journal NEPP 12(2007)
- full Finnish translation of "Repressive Tolerance," 'Sortava suvaitsevaisuus,' in Paatos magazine (by students at the University of Tampere, Finland). Translated by Mikko Niemelä, Fall 2011 .
- Kritik der reinen Toleranz (Frankfurt, 1965)
- on reception see: Richard L. Merritt, "The Student Protest
Movement in West Berlin," in: Comparative Politics
1:4(July 1969), pp. 516-533, 532.
- French translation: Critique de la tolérance pure;
traduction de L. Roskopf et L. Weibel (Paris: John Didier, 1969),
143 p.
- Spanish translation: Marcuse, Herbert and Hernando, César de Vicente, La tolerancia represiva y otros ensayos (Madrid: Los libros de la catarata, 2010)
- critical 2002 essay by Richard Wolin on Books
About page.
- Rodney Fopp (University of South Australia), "Herbert Marcuse's 'Repressive Tolerance' and his Critics," in: Borderlands e-journal 6:1(2007), ca. 11 pages plus bibliography.
- Frank Biess, "Gewalt der Toleranz, Toleranz der Gewalt: Herbert Marcuse: Repressive Toleranz (1965)," in: Gewalt und Gesellschaft: Klassiker modernen Denkens neu gelesen: Bernd Weisbrod zum 65. Gebutstag (Wallstein, 2011), 285-293. (5 page pdf)
- 1965 Kultur
und Gesellschaft
- vol. 101: (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1965, 12th ed.
1975) amazon.de
Kampf gegen den Liberalismus in der totaltiären
Staatsauffassung [originally in: ZfS 3(1934)]
Über den affirmativen Charakter der Kultur [originally in: ZfS
Philosophie und kritische Theorie [originally in: ZfS 6(1937)]
Zur Kritik des Hedonismus [originally in: ZfS
vol. 135: (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1965; 10th ed. 1979)
- French: Culture et société;
trad. de Gérard Billy, Daniel Bresson, et Jean-Baptiste Grasset
(Paris: Ed. de Minuit,1970), 391 p.; bibliographie chronologique des
travaux d'Herbert Marcuse revue et complétée par N.
- Spanish: Cultura y Sociedad (Buenos Aires: Editorial Sur, 1978). Contains a selection of 4 articles from the 2 German vols.
- UCSB: HM101.M344
- 1965: "Remarks on a Redefinition of Culture," in
Science and Culture, edited by Gerald Holton (Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 1965), pp. 218-223.
- 1965: Karl Marx, Der 18. Brumaire des Louis Bonaparte,
afterword by Marcuse (Frankfurt: Insel, 1965), pp.
143-150 (as searchable pdf);
- Marcuse's afterword translated as "Epilogue to the New German
Edition of Marx's 18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte," in Radical
America (Cambridge, 1969), pp. 55-59. (searchable pdf)
- Marx's Eighteenth Brumaire (1852) at marxists.org

- Slavoj Zizek mentions this text in his book First as tragedy, then as farce (2009; searchable on amazon), p. 5: "It thus seems that Fukuyama's utopia of the 1990s had to die twice,since the collapse of the liberal-democratic political utopia on 9/11 did not affect the economic utopia of global market capitalism; if the 2008 financial meltdown has a historical meaning then, it is as a sign of the end of the economic face of Fukuyama's dream.Which brings us back to Marx's paraphrase of Hegel: one should recall that, in his introduction to a new edition of Eighteenth Brumaire in the 1960s, Herbert Marcuse added yet another turn of the screw: sometimes, the repetition in the guise of a farce can be more terrifying than the original tragedy."
[hm: The verbatim quotation is "the farce is more fearful than the tragedy it follows."]
- Translated into Portuguese in 2011, in: Karl Marx, O 18 de Brumario de Luis Bonaparte (Boitempo Editorial, 2011)
- Quoted in a July 2013 Portside post about the Supreme Court's Shelby County vs. Holder decision, by Mark Mischler.
- 1965 "Perspektiven des Sozialismus in der entwickelten Industriegesellschaft,"
Praxis, l, nos. 2 and 3 (1965), 260-270; translated as "Socialism
in the Developed Countries," International Socialist Journal,
2 (April 1965): 139-152.
- 1965 "A Tribute to Paul A. Baran," Monthly Review,
16 (March 1965): 114-115.
- 1965 "Der Einfluss der deutschen Emigration auf das amerikanische
Geistesleben: Philosophie und Soziologie," in: Jahrbuch für
Amerikastudien, 10 (1965): 27-33. (pdf)
- 1965 "Comes the Revolution: Reply to M. Berman's
review of One-Dimensional Man," Partisan Review, 32 (Winter
1965): 159-160.
- 1965 "Statement on Vietnam," Partisan Review,
32 (Fall 1965): 646-649.
- 1965 "Einige Streitfragen," Praxis, 1, nos.
2 and 3 (1965): 372-379.
- 1965: "Socialist Humanism," in Socialist Humanism:
An International Symposium, edited by Erich Fromm (Garden City,
N.Y.: Doubleday, 1965), pp. 107-117.
- 1965: "On Science and Phenomenology," in Boston
Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science (1962-1964): Proceedings,
edited by Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky, Boston Studies
in the Philosophy of Science, volume 2 (New York: Humanities Press,
1965), pp. 279-290 (full text)[with comment by Aron Gurwitsch, 291-305].
- 1965 Walter Benjamin (1892-1940), Zur Kritik
der Gewalt und andere Aufsätze.
Nachwort von Herbert Marcuse (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1965), 106
- 1966 "The Individual in the Great Society"
- in: Alternatives 1(1966), issue 1: 14-16, 20 and issue
2: 29-35.
- German: "Das Individuum in der Great
Society" in: Ideen zu einer kritischen Theorie der
Gesellschaft (Frankfurt, 1969), 157-184, translated by Alfred
- also in Schriften, Bd. 8, 167-193.
- 1966 "Ethics and Revolution," in Ethics and Society:
Original Essays on Contemporary Moral Problems, edited by R. T.
de George (Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor, 1966), pp. 133-147.
- 1966 "Sommes-nous-déjà des hommes?"
Partisans, 28 (April 1966): 21-29.
- 1966 "Vietnam: Analyse eines Exempels," Neue Kritik,
36/37(June-Aug. 1966),: 30-40.
- statement from May 22, 1966 attacking U.S. policy in Vietnam.
May have been at a conference organized by the Sozialistischer Deutscher
- reprinted in: Wolfgang Kraushaar (ed.)., Frankfurter Schule
und Studentenbewegung: Von der Flaschenpost zum Molotowcocktail,
1946-1995 (Hamburg, 1998), vol. 2, pp. 205-9.
- available full text in English and German at the GHI's German History in Documents site
- 1966 "Zur Geschichte der Dialektik," Sowjetsystem
und Demokratische Gesellschaft, 1 (1966): 1192-1211.
- 1966: "The Rationality of Philosophy"--San Diego lecture published 2017 in: Transvaluation of Values
- 1967 "The Inner Logic of American Policy in Vietnam,"
in Teach-Ins, USA: Reports, Opinions, Documents, edited by Louis
Menashe and Ronald Radosh (New York: Praeger, 1967), pp. 65-67.
- 1967 "The Obsolescence of Marxism?" in Marx and
the Western World, edited by Nikolaus Lobkowicz (Notre Dame, Ind.:
University of Notre Dame Press, 1967), pp. 409-417.
- 1967 "Thoughts on the Defense of Gracchus Babeuf,"
in The Defense of Gracchus Babeuf Before the High Court of Vendôme,
by François Noël Babeuf, edited and translated by John Anthony
Scott (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1967), pp. 96- 105.
- 1967 "The Responsibility of Science," in The Responsibility
of Power: Historical Essays in Honor of Hajo Holborn, edited by
Leonard Krieger and Fritz Stern (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1967),
pp. 439-444.
- 1967 Wolfgang Abendroth (ed.);
Otto Bauer, Herbert Marcuse, Arthur Rosenberg [et al.]
Faschismus und Kapitalismus: Theorien über
die sozialien Ursprünge und die Funktion des Faschismus eingeleitet
von Kurt Kliem [et al.] (Frankfurt, Europäische Verlagsanstalt,
1967), 185 p.
- 1967 Philosophy
and Revolution (three essays, from 1930, 1932, 1929)
- German: Philosophie und Revolution
- French: Philosophie et révolution:
trois études; traduit de l'allemand par Cornélius
Heim (Paris: Denoël-Gonthier,1971), 158 p.
- 1967: "Art in the One-Dimensional Society,"
Arts Magazine 41:7(May 1967)
- 1967: "Die Gesellschaft als Kunstwerk,"
Neues Forum vol. 14, no. 167-168 (Nov /Dez. 1967)
- 1967
"Liberation from the Affluent Society"
- in: David Cooper (ed.), The Dialectics of Liberation
(Harmondsworth/Baltimore: Penguin, 1968), 175-192.
- presentation at the London Dialectics of Liberation conference
- full
text with sound
clip (2:20
mins; 417K .wav file), and added
12/8/07: full sound recording (.wmp files):
- 12/8/07: 12/(17)/07 Nation column by Alexander Cockburn "The Dialectics of Revolution ... Uh, Recycling" (jpg scan). He includes a cute anecdote about when he cooked dinner for Herbert & Inge the night before Herbert's talk.
Spanish translation 1970, see below, 1970: Sociedad Carnivora
- 2015 republication: by Verso; $17 at publisher's website). With contributions by Gregory Bateson, Stokely Carmichael, John Gerassi, Lucien Goldmann, Paul Goodman, Jules Henry, R.D. Laing, Herbert Marcuse, and Paul Sweezy. This volume is part of Verso's Radical Thinkers series. Tagline:
"A revolutionary compilation of speeches which produced a political groundwork for many of the radical movements in the following decades."
- 1967:
Das Ende der Utopie: Vorträge und Diskussionen in Berlin 1967
(Berlin: Maikowski, 1967; Frankfurt: Neue Kritik, 1980), 190p.
- Includes Das
Problem der Gewalt in der radikalen Opposition;
the 1980 German edition includes 2 additional discussions
- German
full text (scanned images)
- For a recent discussion, see the 2006 essay by P.-E. Jansen (19page pdf)
- English: "The End of Utopia," in: Five Lectures:
Psychoanalysis, Politics, and Utopia; trans. Jeremy Shapiro and
Shierry Weber (Boston: Beacon, 1970), 62-81.
full text with discussion, as well as The Problem
of Violence
- French: La fin de l'utopie; traduit de l'allemand par Liliane
Roskopf et Luc Weibel (Paris: Le Seuil, 1968), 142 p.
- review by Alain Revon, A, "H. Marcuse. La Fin de l'utopie," Revue française de sociologie 10:3 (juil/sept 1969), 375-377 (pdf)
- Italian: La fine dell'utopia; traduzione de Saverio Vertone
(Bari: Laterza, 1968), 176 p
- Swedish: Protest, demonstration, revolt; Översättning
av Maj och Paul Frisch (Stockholm: Aldus/Bonnier, 1968), 131 p. Translation
of Das Ende der Utopie.
"Boken bygger pa° material fra°n diskussioner vid Freie
Universität i Västberlin den 10-13 juli 1967."
- Turkish "Utopyanin sonu," translated by Dogan Baris, in the philosophical journal, Bibliothec 2(2007), 56-59. (4 page pdf)
- 1967 "Ziele, Formen und Aussichten der Studentopposition,"
Das Argument, (1967): 398-408.
- 1967 "Zum Begriff der Negation in der Dialektik,"
Filosoficky casopis, 15, no. 3 (1967): 375-379
- translated by Karl Bogere as "The concept of Negation in the Dialectic,"
Telos, 8 (Summer 1971): 130-132.
- 1967 "On Changing the World: A Reply to Karl Miller," Monthly
Review, 19 (October 1967): 42-48.
- 1967 "Die Gesellschaft als Kuntswerk," Neues Forum,
14 (November/December 1967): 863-866.
- 1967 "Ist die Idee der Revolution eine Mystifikation?"
Kursbuch, 9 (1967): 1-6
- translated as "The Question of Revolution," New Left Review,
45 (1967): 3-7.
- 1967 review of Love's Body by Norman O. Brown, in: Commentary (February 1967)[cited in R. Kimball, The Long March, p. 168]
- 1967: "Protest and Futility," lecture at Berkeley, published 2017 in Transvaluation of Values
- 1968 "The Paris Rebellion," Peace News (28
June 1968): 6-7.
- 1968: "The People's Choice," co-author
of letter to the editor of The New York Review of Books 11:3(August
22, 1968). available on-line
at nybooks.com.
- 1968 Negations:
Essays in Critical Theory; with translations from
the German by Jeremy J. Shapiro (London: Penguin, 1968; Boston: Beacon,
1969; London: Free Association, 1988), 290 p. [UCSB HM101 .M345]
- Contents
- The struggle against liberalism in the totalitarian
view of the state. [originally in: ZfS 3(1934)]
The concept of essence (pp. 43-87). [originally in: Zfs 5(1936)];
pp. 47-51; 55-62
available at autodidactproject.org
- The affirmative character of culture (pp. 88-133). [originally in: ZfS 6(1937)] (pp. 104-107 at autodidact) Philosophy and critical theory (pp. 134-158). [originally in: ZfS
6(1937)]; pp. 147-154
available at autodidactproject.org On hedonism. [originally in: ZfS 7(1938)] Industrialization and capitalism in the work of Max Weber. (text
in Portugese) Love mystified; a critique of Norman O. Brown and a reply to Herbert
Marcuse by Norman O. Brown. (pdf)
- Aggressiveness in advanced industrial society
- Summary in The Review of Metaphysics 23:4(June 1970), p. 745.
- 1968 "Aggressivität
in der gegenwärtigen Industriegessellschaft"
- full text at wbenjamin.org;
at marxists.org
- in: Aggression und Anpassung in der Industriegesellschaft
(Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1968)
- other essays in collection:
A. Rapoport, "Das Klasseninteresse der
Intellektuellen und die Machtelite"
K. Horn, "Über den Zusammenhang zwischen Angst und
politischer Apathie"
A. Mitscherlich, "Aggression und Anpassung"
D. Senghaas, "Aggressivität und Gewalt: Thesen zur
M. Markovíc, "Möglichkeiten einer radikalen
Humanisierung der Industriektultur"
Bibliographische Notiz (p. 163)
- revised and expanded version of a talk that Herbert gave in 1956
(see above) at the Chicago Psychiatric Society
- first published in translation in Neue Rundschau 78(1967),
- also published in Kultur und Gesellschaft, vol. 1 (Suhrkamp,
- review by Bernd P. Löwe (Halle) in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 19:9 (1971) p.1152-1159 (pdf) East German
- Spanish: La agresividad en la sociedad industrial
avanzada y otros ensayos (Madrid : Alianza Editorial, 1971),
135 p.
- Portugese: Liberdade
e agressão na sociedade tecnológica (full text)
- 1968
und Politik (Frankfurt, Europäische Verlagsanstalt,
1968), 78 p
- Contents:

-- Trieblehre und Freiheit. [in Frankfurter IfS
(ed.), Sociologica, 1955)]
--Die Idee des Fortschritts im Licht der Psychoanalyse.
--Das Problem der Gewalt in der Opposition.
--Das Ende der Utopie.
- Spanish: Psicoanálisis y Política (Barcelona:
Ediciones Península, 1968, 1969, 1973), 155 p.; prologo de Carlos Castilla del Pino
- Portugese: A
noção de progresso à luz da psicanálise
(full text at antivalor)
- 1968 "Friede als Utopie," Neues Forum, 15
(November- December 1968): 705-707.
- 1968 "Zur Situation der Neuen Linken," Manuskript eines am 4. Dezember 1968 in New York von Herbert Marcuse gehaltenen Festvortrages.
- 1969 "The
Realm of Freedom and the Realm of Necessity: A Reconsideration,"
Praxis, 5, no. 1(1969): 20-25.
- 1969 "Revolutionary
Subject and Self-Government," Praxis, 5, no. 2 (1969):
326-327. (full text available, also in this 7M,
7-page pdf)
- 1969 "Nicht einfach zerstören," Neues Forum,
16 (August- September 1969): 485-488.
- 1969 "Student Protest is Non-violent Next to Society Itself,"
New York Times Magazine (4 May 1969): 137. (text on Nov. 18, 2010 blog by "Savonarola")
Herbert argues that police intervention in civil disobdience actions on college campuses are justified only when their education mission is threatened.
- 1969
Essay on Liberation" (Boston, 1969)
- amazon
$17 new, $7 used
- German: Versuch über die Befreiung (Frankfurt,
1969), translated by Helmut Reinicke and Alfred Schmidt
- French: Vers la libération: au-delà de l'homme
unidimensionnel; traduit de l'anglais par Jean-Baptiste Grasset
(Paris: Denoël-Gonthier,1972), 172 p.
- Spanish: Un ensayo sobre la liberación (Editorial Joaquín Mortiz, México, 1975)
(94 page pdf, cropped to print 2 pages per sheet)
- mentioned in: Paul F. Power, "On Civil Disobedience in Recent
American Democratic Thought,"American Political Science
Review 64:1(March 1970), pp. 35-47, 36f note. [jstor]
- review: Howe, Irving, Herbert Marcuse or Milovan Djilas? The Inescapable Choice of the Next Decade," Harper's Magazine 239(July 1969), 84-90 (pdf)
- review: MacDonald, Malcolm,
Social Science Quarterly 50:3 (Dec. 1969), 768f (pdf)
- review: Gert Müller, Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 26:1 (1972:Jan./März) p.122-125 (pdf)
- 1969 Ideen zu einer kritischen Theorie der Gesellschaft
(Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1969)(es 300)
- collection of older works
- Includes: "Zum Begriff der Negation in der Dialektik,"185-190
- French translation: Pour une théorie
critique de la société; traduit de l'allemand par
Cornélius Heim (Paris: Denoël-Gonthier,1971), 224 p.

- 1969 Spanish: Sociedad Industrial y el Marxismo (Buenos Aires: Editorial Quintinaria, 1969)(101 page pdf, print 2 pages/sheet)
- 1969 "Re-examination of the Concept of Revolution,"
in Marx and Contemporary Scientific Thought: Marx et la pensée
scientifique contemporaine (The Hague: Mouton, 1969).
- 1969 "On the New Left," in The New Left: A Documentary
History, edited by Massimor Teodori (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill,
1969), pp. 468-473. see German translation of Dec. 1968 presentation "Zur Situation der Neuen Linke," above
- 1969, March: "The Relevance of Reality," presidential address to the Pacific Branch of the American Philosophical
Association in Portland, OR, March 29, 1969. Published in: Proceedings
and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 42(1968),
pp. 39, 40-50 (pdf)
- 1969, May 4: "Student Protest Is Nonviolent Next to the Society Itself," New York Times, p. sm137. (jpg scan)
- 1969, July: "Marx's Concept of Revolution", New Left Review (July 1969) [Ollman]
- 1969, Oct: Herbert Marcuse speech in Sproul
Plaza [sound recording]: University of California, Berkeley,
1969 Oct. 24. 1 sound tape reel : analog, 3 3/4 ips, 2 track ; 5 in.
- Speech relates to Angela Davis, University of California and students'
roles in society.
- Transcript also available.
- 1969?: The Obsolescence of Psychoanalysis
(Chicago: Black Swan Press, 1969?), 15 p [UCB][title
of a lecture at the annual meeting of the American Political Science
Association in 1963; published in Five
in 1970, where it is listed as "previously unpublished in English".]
- 1969: "Reflexion
zu Theodor W. Adorno - Aus einem Gespräch mit Michaela
Seiffe," in: Titel, Thesen, Temperamente: Ein Kulturmagazin
(Hessischer Rundfunk, Abteilung Fernsehen, Kunst und Literatur),
Sendung am 24. August 1969. Published in: Hermann Schweppenhäuser
(ed.), Theodor W. Adorno Zum Gedächtnis: Eine Sammlung
(Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1971), 47-51.
- 1969/1999: Theodor W. Adorno and Herbert Marcuse, “Correspondence on the German Student Movement,” trans. Esther Leslie, New Left Review, no. 233 (January/February 1999): 123-136. (introduction p. 118-123). (abstracts below in Posthumous works)