1920s |
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1922 |
Der deutsche Künstlerroman
1925 |
Schiller-bibliographie - Annotated bibliography on Schiller (in German)
1940s |
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1941 |
Reason and Revolution - An Introduction to the Dialectical Thinking of Hegel and Marx
1950s |
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1955 |
Eros and Civilization - A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud
1960s |
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1963 |
Notes on Philosophy
1964 |
On Science and Phenomenology
1964 |
World without a Logos
1965 |
Comes the Revolution - Partisan Review
1965 |
Einige Streitfragen - Praxis
1965 |
Nachwort von Herbert Marcuse - Zur Kritik der Gewalt und andere Aufsätze
1965 |
One-Dimensional Man - Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society
1965 |
Repressive Tolerance - chapter from the book A Critique of Pure Tolerance
1965 |
Socialist Humanism - Socialist Humanism: An International Symposium
1965 |
Statement on Vietnam - Partisan Review
1966 |
Ethics and Revolution - Ethics and Society
1966 |
The Individual in the Great Society - Alternatives
1966 |
The Rationality of Philosophy - Transvaluation of Values
1966 |
Sommes-nous-déjà des hommes? - Partisans
1966 |
Vietnam: Analyse eines Exempels - Neue Kritik
1966 |
Zur Geschichte der Dialektik - Sowjetsystem und Demokratische Gesellschaft
1967 |
Art in the One-Dimensional Society - Arts Magazine
1967 |
Die Gesellschaft als Kunstwerk - German Original of Die Gesellschaft als Kunstwerk
1967 |
Faschismus und Kapitalismus: Theorien über die sozialien Ursprünge und die Funktion des Faschismus
1967 |
The Inner Logic of American Policy in Vietnam - Teach-Ins, USA: Reports, Opinions, Documents
1967 |
Ist die Idee der Revolution eine Mystifikation? - Kursbuch
1967 |
Liberation from the Affluent Society - English Original of Liberation from the Affluent Society
1967 |
The Obsolescence of Marxism? - Marx and the Western World
1967 |
On Changing the World: A Reply to Karl Miller - Monthly Review
1967 |
Philosophy and Revolution - Three Essays
1967 |
Protest and Futility
1967 |
The Responsibility of Science - The Responsibility of Power
1967 |
Thoughts on the Defense of Gracchus Babeuf - The Defense of Gracchus Babeuf Before the High Court of Vendôme
1967 |
Ziele, Formen und Aussichten der Studentopposition - Das Argument
1967 |
Zum Begriff der Negation in der Dialektik - Filosoficky casopis
1968 |
Aggressivität in der gegenwärtigen Industriegessellschaft - Aggression und Anpassung in der Industriegesellschaft
1968 |
Friede als Utopie
1968 |
Negations: Essays in Critical Theory
1968 |
Psychoanalyse und Politik
1968 |
The Paris Rebellion - Peace News
1968 |
The People's Choice - The New York Review of Books
1968 |
Zur Situation der Neuen Linken - German translation of 'On the New Left'
1969 |
Correspondence on the German Student Movement
1969 |
An Essay on Liberation
1969 |
Ideen zu einer kritischen Theorie der Gesellschaft - Frankfurt: Suhrkamp
1969 |
Marx's Concept of Revolution
1969 |
Nicht einfach zerstören - Neues Forum
1969 |
On the New Left - The New Left: A Documentary History
1969 |
Re-examination of the Concept of Revolution
1969 |
Reflexion zu Theodor W. Adorno - Aus einem Gespräch mit Michaela Seiffe - Surhkamp
1969 |
Revolutionary Subject and Self-Government - Praxis
1969 |
Sociedad Industrial y el Marxismo
1969 |
Herbert Marcuse speech in Sproul Plaza - University of California, Berkeley
1969 |
Student Protest is Non-violent Next to Society Itself - New York Times Magazine
1969 |
Student Protest is Nonviolent Next to the Society Itself - New York Times
1969 |
The Obsolescence of Psychoanalysis - Black Swan Press
1969 |
The Realm of Freedom and the Realm of Necessity - Praxis
1969 |
The Relevance of Reality - Beacon Press
1970s |
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1970 |
Apocalypse or apocrypha?
1970 |
Art as a Form of Reality - Viking
1970 |
The End of Utopia - English translation of The End of Utopia
1970 |
Humanismus--gibt's den noch - Neues Forum
1970 |
Marxism and the New Humanity: An Unfinished Revolution - Temple University Press
1970 |
Only a Free Arab World Can Co-exist with a Free Israel - Israel Horizons
1970 |
Prophets of Deceit: A Study of the Techniques of the American Agitator - Forward
1970 |
Five Lectures: Psychoanalysis, Politics, and Utopia - Beacon Press
1970 |
Riot and Representation: The Significance of the Chicano Riot - Bureau of Public Secrets
1971 |
Aggression: Das dritte Gespräch - Aggression: Die Brutalisierung der modernen Welt
1971 |
Charles Reich as Revolutionary Ostrich - The Con III Controversy: The Critics Look at
1971 |
Dear Angela - Ramparts
1971 |
Letters to Chicago Surrealists - Arsenal
1971 |
The Movement in a New Era of Repression
1971 |
Per una nova definicio de la cultura
1971 |
Reflections on Calley - New York Times
1971 |
The Concept of Negation in the Dialectic - Telos
1971 |
The Movement in a New Era of Repression: An Assessment - Berkeley Journal of Sociology
1972 |
A Reply to Lucien Goldmann - Partisan Review
1972 |
Art and Revolution - Partisan Review
1972 |
Art as a Form of Reality - New Left Review
1972 |
Art in the One-Dimensional Society - Radical Perspectives in the Arts
1972 |
Counterrevolution and Revolt
1972 |
Das ist noch Utopie - Jerusalem Post
1972 |
From Luther to Popper
1972 |
Studies in Critical Philosophy - NLB
1972 |
The defense of Gracchus Babeuf before the High Court of Vendome - New York: Schocken
1973 |
A Revolution in Values - Political Ideologies
1973 |
Controversy - Society 10:6
1973 |
Existentialistische Marx-Interpretation
1973 |
When Law and Morality Stand in the Way - Society
1974 |
Marxism and Feminism - Women's Studies
1975 |
Fragments - Salmagundi 29
1975 |
Zeit-Messungen: Drei Vorträge und ein Interview
1976 |
On the Problem of the Dialectic - Telos 27
1976 |
Opinion in Simon Wiesenthal’s "The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness"
1976 |
Un nouvel ordre - Le Monde Diplomatique
1977 |
Die Permanenz der Kunst: Wider eine bestimmte marxistische Ästhetik: Ein Essay
1977 |
Enttäuschung - Erinnerung an Martin Heidegger
1977 |
Interview with R. Kearney - Crane Bag 1:1
1977 |
Murder Is Not a Political Weapon
1978 |
Gespräche mit Herbert Marcuse
1978 |
Lyric Poetry after Auschwitz
1978 |
Protosozialismus und Spätkapitalismus - kritik - Zeitschrift für sozialistische Diskussion, 6:19
1978 |
The Aesthetic Dimension: Toward a Critique of Marxist Aesthetics
1978 |
Theory and Politics: A Discussion - Telos 38
1979 |
The Aesthetic Dimension - Toward A Critique of Marxist Aesthetics
1979 |
Die Angst des Prometheus - tageszeitung
1979 |
Die Ideologie des Todes
1979 |
Ecology and the Critique of Modern Society
1979 |
Failure of the New Left? - New German Critique, 18
1979 |
The Reification of the Proletariat - Vol. 3 No. 1 Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory
1979 |
Studentenbewegung: Und was danach? - Argument Studienhefte, no. 30
1990s |
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1998 |
Technology, War and Fascism - Volume 1 of Herbert Marcuse's Collected Papers
1999 |
Correspondence on the German Student Movement - New Left Review no. 233
2000s |
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2001 |
Towards a Critical Theory of Society - Volume 2 of Herbert Marcuse's Collected Papers
2004 |
The New Left and the 1960s - Volume 3 of Herbert Marcuse's Collected Papers
2005 |
Heideggerian Marxism
2006 |
Art and Liberation - Volume 4 of Herbert Marcuse's Collected Papers
2006 |
Proust - Telos 134 168-171
2007 |
The Essential Marcuse
2010s |
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2010 |
Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Emancipation - Volume 5 of Herbert Marcuse's Collected Papers
2012 |
The Dunayevskaya-Marcuse-Fromm Correspondence - 1954-1978: Dialogues on Hegel, Marx, and Critical Theory
2014 |
Baran's critique of modern society and of the social sciences - Monthly Review 65:10
2014 |
Marxism, Revolution and Utopia - Volume 6 of Herbert Marcuse's Collected Papers
2015 |
Paris Lectures at Vincennes University - 1974: Global Capitalism and Radical Opposition
2017 |
Transvaluation of Values and Radical Social Change - Five New Lectures, 1966-1976